United kingdom

United kingdom

A globally influential center in the fields of finance and culture, the land where Shakespeare was born, a place with several outstanding universities which everyone would dream to be a part of, that is what differentiates the UK mainly from the other international places around the world. Some of the universities of the UK have their roots from even the 12th and 13th centuries and with consistency and quality, the education there has now become a benchmark for other countries in every aspect.


More than five lakhs of students are enrolling in the UK every year and it’s no wonder that it is being crowned as the world’s most popular destinations to offer higher education.

They are well-reputed in conducting world-class research and also the universities are always ranked on top of the international lost with their consistent remarkable performances every year. The major attraction is that the UK higher education degrees are recognized worldwide both by academics and also employers from all fields.

As per the latest ranking, four out of the top ten universities in the world are from the UK. They don’t follow the usual textbook learning type rather than follow a more practical and utility-based training for the students so that they can enhance their skill to a much better extent. Compared to the other universities around the world, Courses in the UK have a shorter duration but the subject and syllabus are very intense that even though you graduate early, you don’t have to compromise even a bit with the quality of content you learn. Another interesting factor is that you can do part-time jobs in the UK up to twenty hours a week that too along with your studies. This helps to manage your living expenses and at times of semester breaks, you can even opt for full-time jobs there.

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